Get a Dose of Clinical Knowledge

Find, share and upload study notes, lecture notes, summaries and other learning resources.
For healthcare professionals, trainees, students and educators.

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What is KnowledgeDose?

KnowledgeDose is a learning platform covering the medicine and allied subjects such as pharmacy, pharmacology and nursing. Here you can find, share and upload a wide range of learning content such as revision notes, practical articles, study guides and clinical guideline summaries. Our goal is to create and share short doses of knowledge-based content that is easy to understand, of value and engaging to healthcare professionals, students and educators around the world.

For Healthcare Professionals, Educators & Students

Knowledgedose features content for doctors, medical trainees, medical students, pharmacists, pre-registration pharmacists, intern pharmacists, pharmacy students, nurses, nursing students, other health professionals, trainees and students and educators.

Library of Educational Resources for Medicine & Allied Subjects

KnowledgeDose’s library of educational content covers topics such as drug therapy, clinical pharmacology, human anatomy and physiology, clinical skills, medicine counselling, diseases and conditions, clinical calculations and health promotion. Here you can access educational content like worksheets with answers, study notes, revision notes, guides, practical articles, lecture handouts, clinical guideline summaries, flashcards, images and diagrams.

Upload and Share Your Learning Resources

Our aim is to provide a platform where you can also share your educational content and best practices with other healthcare professionals and students. Upload your valuable learning resources to help other healthcare professionals and students around the world to learn and benefit from too. You can upload a wide range of content such as study notes, revision guides, summaries, diagrams and images. To learn more and share your content with others, please click on the button below.