Clinical Skills

Patient/Carer Education Medication Checklist

In Clinical Skills on

This checklist is aimed at pharmacists, trainee pharmacists and other healthcare professionals (e.g. doctors). The checklist is intended to serve as a prompt when counselling and educating patients on their medicines.


Patient/healthcare professional information resources

Name of medicine/generic name/brand name prescribed

The reason the medicine has been prescribed

What is this medicine used for

How to take your medicine

Explain the benefits and risks of the medicine

Storage/handling requirements

Monitoring requirements

Special warnings/precautions

Potential side effects/adverse effects and when to seek help

Taking other medicines/over-the-counter medicines/herbal medicines at the same time

What to do with missed doses/overdose

What to do if you experience diarrhoea/vomiting after taking the medicine

What to do if wanting to stop the medicine

Religious/cultural beliefs

Prescribing and patient information for licensed medicines

Medicines A to Z – NHS

Medicines for children

Missed/delayed doses

Drug safety updates

Advising on medicines suitable for a Halal diet


Medicines in pregnancy patient information leaflets

Drug factsheets for breastfeeding women

Provide advice/information/solutions on the safe effective use of a medicine e.g. large print medicine label, patient information leaflet in large print, medications aids (e.g. eye drop dispensing aid, medication reminders)

Give safety netting advice

Clinical Knowledge Summaries

Health A to Z – NHS

Safety netting and parent information sheets

Provide patient information websites

Provide materials that are language and literacy appropriate

Advice on searching for online evidence-based health information



Lung conditions

Heart /circulatory conditions




Thyroid diseases

Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis





Mental health


Please note, this checklist is not exhaustive.